Well, based on your well-crafted emails, you think exactly like I do. And my family also had this issue with my father, who was continually sending pro-Trump, crazy emails to my family, my relatives, and just about all of my parents' friends. He still sends some these days, but they are much more infrequent.
Because I didn't want to have a rift with a family member (my father) over crappy politics in this country, I decided to just ignore his emails and not ever discuss poltics with him in person. We have a policy now that my mother has enforced on behalf of the family: my father is not to talk Trump or politics at family gatherings of any kind. So far, it's worked out wonderfully and I can love my father again but still hate his views.
Anyway, just thought I'd share. I've heard so many stories of people in this country not talking to family members due to political differences. We both know that Trump cultivated all this. Hope you can smooth things out with your mother. At the very least, your emails can serve as an educational tool.